As you are most likely aware, Victoria has moved to circuit breaker restrictions from 11:59pm 27th May. These settings will remain in place until 11:59pm on 3rd June 2021.
During this period, we would like to assure you that we have put measures in place to ensure that we still can meet the needs and demands of our customers.
This includes:
Receiving and dispatching orders.
Service and support.
Contactless order pick-ups from our warehouse.
To protect our customers and employees some of our safety measures include;
If you need to contact us, please feel free to email us or call 03 9482 2203.
As we continue to monitor the situation and follow the advice given by the Government and Department of Health, we will update you should there be any changes in the future.
For more information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) visit
Management & Staff of Zylux thank you for your ongoing support. May you and your families stay healthy & safe during these challenging times.