• Wheely-Safe


World-leading technology for the safest and most efficient fleets.

Unrivalled wheel and tyre safety. Wheely-Safe is a multi-award-winning suite of products for fleets, telematics providers and vehicle manufacturers.It combines the worlds first in-motion wheel loss detection system with advanced brake/hub temperature monitoring and an intelligent TPMS. When fitted to any wheeled vehicle, patented sensor technologies will help to deliver:.

  • Reduced fleet downtime
  • Significant fuel savings
  • Extended tyre life with fewer wheel interventions
  • Increased safety & duty of care
  • Wheely-Safe was founded as a business to solve the frightening issue of wheel loss from commercial vehicles once and for all and for assets with the Wheely-Safe system fitted, its safe to say that's mission accomplished.
    Wheely-Safe sensor technology ensures a driver receives an alert the instant a loosening wheel nut is detected - no matter what speed they are travelling, or in what weather conditions - allowing them to bring the vehicle safely to a halt.

    Wheely-Safe acts as a final control measure for commercial vehicle fleets, bringing a new level of wheel security to their operations for maximum peace of mind. For further information, please download the brochure by clicking the link below.

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